
David Page

Head of Macro Research

Economics provides a way of seeing how society fits together - and by testing economic theory against real outcomes, our research can provide real value for investors.

David is Head of AXA IM’s Macro Research team, which is comprised of economists in London, Paris and Hong Kong. He is also a member of the AXA IM Investment Institute Advisory Committee.

The Macro Research team provides global forecasts and analysis of macroeconomic and market developments across the world. He joined AXA IM in 2014 as a Senior Economist in the Research and Investment Strategy team, providing macroeconomic and market analysis, chiefly on the US and UK economies.

Prior to AXA IM, David spent four years with Lloyds Banking Group where he worked as the primary fixed income macroeconomist, with a specific emphasis on the UK. Before that, he spent 10 years with Investec, working most recently in the Securities team providing macroeconomic advice for the Group, specialising in UK and European affairs.

David initially joined Investec in the Treasury and Specialised Finance area, supporting interest rate trading activities. He started his career in the Government Economic Service in 1996, working in the Office of Electricity Regulation and subsequently for the Debt Management Office. David holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Warwick and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of York.


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