AXA IM Alerts
Please be advised that these companies are not affiliated with the AXA Group in any way.
Impersonation / cloned firms - One Year Fixed Rate Bond – Tesco PLC - June 2021 – UPDATED 21/06/2021
Individuals are purporting to be AXA Investment Managers employees, Tesco PLC or Tesco Personal Finance and are offering a One Year Fixed Rate Bond with a rate of 3.919% pa.
Fraudulent website being used:
Fraudulent email addresses / domains being used:
Fraudulent communications state:
“Tesco Plc Launch New One Year Bond offering a 3.919% Fixed Interest Rate”
“This offer ends on the 30th June 2021 subject to availability. AXA Investment Managers are the appointed financial institution responsible for the distribution/selling of this bond”.
“AXA Investment Managers- Tesco Plc Bond Application.”
This is not a genuine offering and we strongly urge you not to engage in communications and part with any funds. If you believe you have been exposed to this scam please contact us at: to share any relevant details.
Recruitment Scams Alert
We have been warned about a rise in recruitment fraud in the industry with scammers targeting investment professionals and graduates.
Hackers are taking advantage of the remote recruitment process to impersonate companies and recruiters, to gather personal data and, in some cases, extract money.
Because we care about your safety and want to protect our future talents, be aware of the following:
- All AXA IM jobs for which we are externally recruiting are posted on our Careers website.
- Any communication you receive from AXA IM would only come from an e-mail address.
- We will never ask candidate to interview via chat or text, nor ask for an upfront payment or deposit.
If you believe you have been exposed to this scam please contact us at: to share any relevant details.
Warning regarding fraudulent activities misusing the name of the Luxembourg investment fund Bank Capital Opportunity Fund
Warning to the public regarding persons claiming to operate on behalf of the approved investment fund "Bank Capital Opportunity Fund" by offering to subscribe for an attractive return by telephone or e-mail. In order to give credibility to their approach, they indicate, among other things, the website which is a copy of the real website , e-mail addresses such as or , all legal information relating to the fund such as the address and the RCS registration number and attach a false certificate of compliance.
Fraudulent web domain - February 2021
China and HK fraudulent activity – December 2020
AXA IM would like to warn the public and our clients of possible fraudulent use of AXA’s brand in China. For instance, the fraudulent call may contact you by telephone or Wechat mentioning the product is guaranteed by AXA or AXA IM.
Please be advised that you may be a victim of an attempted fraud if you have been the recipient of a call or communication initiated by non-authorized distributors or individual regarding any product offered by AXA or AXA Investment Managers.
We strongly advise that you cease all communications with the individuals regarding this fraudulent offer and alert your local authorities.
Fixed Rate ISA Bond
Members of the general public are being contacted by individuals who are purporting to be employees of AXA IM UK following providing their details in the Top Wealth Bonds comparison website ( or responding to advertisements placed in the national press and on social media. The FCA have published a warning regarding Top Wealth Bonds who they believe are providing financial services or products in the UK without their authorisation. These individuals are offering a Fixed Rate ISA Bond with rates of return increasing with the length of time that the Bond is held.
These individuals are sending emails from a false email account:
This is not a genuine offering and we strongly urge you not to engage in communications and part with any funds.
AXA Investment Managers GS Limited Savings
AXA Investment Managers GS Limited Savings account management mandate and / or Livret P.E.C contract
Individuals claiming to work for AXA Investment Managers GS Ltd, are offering an AXA EPARGNE EURO savings plan solution and / or an AXA IM P.E.C booklet with a proposed yield of 6% or 9.78% per year as well as other advantages.
Emails with the domain, or and other contact points (Sender Olivier Brunet, Florent Favard or Pierre Menival, Professional number starting with 09) do not come from AXA Investment Managers GS Ltd .
None of these email addresses or telephone numbers come from our company. We therefore ask you not to respond to such canvassing actions. People who invest after being approached by these fraudulent companies risk falling victim to investment fraud. If in doubt, we invite you to contact us.
Fixed Rate Bond - Citibank
Individuals are purporting to be employees of Citibank and are offering a Fixed Rate Bond with a rate of 5.9% pa in the Framlington Equities Axa Framlington Global Technology Fund ZGBP.
These individuals are purporting to work for Citibank and are sending emails from false email accounts and numbers such as:
- 0203 239 1906
- 0203 4554 152
- 0738 974146
This is not a genuine offering and we strongly urge you not to engage in communications and part with any funds.
Recently, a website claiming to be a subsidiary of AXA Group has been created, claiming to offer asset management services.
This entity has been reaching out to the general public via WhatsApp and other communication platforms. is in no way associated with or part of AXA Group or AXA Investment Managers.
AXA Techview
It has come to our attention that several individuals have received an advertisement from a company pretending to be affiliated with AXA IM to invest LIBRA cryptocurrency products.
Upon leaving their contact details, individuals are contacted by AXA TECHVIEW UNITED KINDOM LONDON 7 NEWGATE STREET - EC1A 7HD, and are asked to provide information including proof of identity, proof of address and bank details.
We urge you not to respond to such advertisements. Individuals who invest following a cold call from such fraudulent companies are likely to be victims of investment fraud.
IPO scams
Individuals claiming to be from AXA IM offering members of the public the opportunity to take part in Initial Public Offerings (IPO).
These emails are sent from false email accounts such as, and use variations of our domain such as, These emails often claim to be from senior executives of AXA IM and AXA group.
If you are uncertain about the legitimacy of a communication please contact us.

Know the common frauds
The most common frauds involve members of the public being contacted by individuals claiming to work for AXA Investment Managers or other investment companies.

Protect yourself from fraud
Clients and members of the public are often contacted through various methods for the purpose of obtaining personal information. These details will likely be used to defraud the individual.
TradeCapital scams
Individuals claiming to be employees of TradeCapital Invest Finance Limited ( are advising members of the public that they have merged with AXA Investment Managers UK Ltd.
Neither AXA IM UK Limited nor any other part of the AXA Group has entered into a relationship with TradeCapital Invest Finance Limited or Trade Capital Group. Please note that anyone contacting you from the above companies advising they have merged with AXA IM UK Ltd or AXA Group will not be a genuine communication.
Our premises at 22 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 4BQ is the registered address of AXA Investment Managers UK Limited only.
Fixed Rate ISA
Individuals are purporting to be employees of AXA IM Asset Management and based in Ireland.
They are offering a Fixed Rate ISA with a rate of 3% pa. These emails are sent from false email accounts such as and claim to be staff member of AXA IM or AXA Group.
This is not a genuine offering and we strongly urge you not to engage in communications and part with any funds.
National Lottery of Uruguay
Individuals are being contacted by an individual purporting to work for AXA Investment Managers regarding the National Lottery of Uruguay.
These emails are sent from a false email account,
Blanc & Beaufort
Blanc and Beaufort is a brokerage firm. The legitimate entity of Blanc and Beaufort has been cloned and there is a notice on the FCA warning list. Individuals purporting to work for Blanc and Beaufort are cold calling individuals and encouraging them to make investments in AXA funds in addition to other asset management firms.
J McKenzie
It has been brought to our attention that a Key Investor Information Document with reference to a fund so-called “AXA McKenzie Global Technology Fund” (“AXA MKGTF”) and supposed to be managed by the company “J. McKenzie” in partnership with the AXA Investment Managers Group (“AXA IM Group”) and AXA Investment Managers UK Limited, has been published on the following website :
Please be advised that “AXA MKGTF” is not an AXA IM Group product nor managed by any AXA IM entity. In addition, neither entity of the AXA IM Group nor any other entity of the AXA Group has entered into any relationship or partnership with the company “J. McKenzie”. Accordingly, please exercise caution before carrying out any investment concerning this fund and/or with this company.
Investimiento UK Ltd
It has come to our attention that the abovementioned company has been incorporated and registered with Companies House at the premises 7 Newgate Street, London, EC1A 7NX.
Please note that 22 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 4BQ is the registered address of AXA Investment Managers UK Limited only. Neither AXA IM UK Limited nor any other part of the AXA Group has entered into a relationship with Investimiento UK Ltd.
Please note that anyone contacting you from this entity advising they have merged with AXA IM UK or AXA Group will not be a genuine communication.
Lotusten Assetz Management Holdings PTE LTD (“Lotusten”)
It has come to our attention that the abovementioned company is claiming to be representing AXA Investment Managers UK Limited and entering into Confidential Investment Management Agreements (“CIMAs”).
Please be advised that AXA Investment Managers UK Limited is not connected with Lotusten and does not enter into these types of agreements. Accordingly, please exercise caution before carrying out any investment concerning these agreements and/or with this company.
Abott Logistics Consulting Ltd
It has come to our attention that the abovementioned company has been incorporated and registered with Companies House at the premises 7 Newgate Street, London, EC1A 7NX.
Please note that 22 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 4BQ is the registered address of AXA Investment Managers UK Limited. Neither AXA IM UK Limited nor any other part of the AXA Group has entered into a relationship with Abott Logistics Consulting Ltd.
NextEra Energy Solar Bond and SolarCity Bond
Individuals claiming to be employees of AXA IM are offering members of the general public the opportunity to invest in the NextEra Energy Solar and SolarCity Bonds.
Neither AXA IM UK nor any other part of the AXA Group has entered into a relationship with NextEra Energy or SolarCity to provide a fixed income bond to facilitate the development of Solar energy projects.
This is not a genuine offering and we strongly urge you not to engage in communications and part with any funds.
This website is published by AXA Investment Managers Asia Limited (“AXA IM HK”), an entity licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (“SFC”), for general circulation and informational purposes only. It does not constitute investment research or financial analysis relating to transactions in financial instruments, nor does it constitute on the part of AXA Investment Managers or its affiliated companies an offer to buy, sell or enter into any transactions in respect of any investments, products or services, and should not be considered as solicitation or investment, legal, tax or any other advice, a recommendation for an investment strategy or a personalised recommendation to buy or sell securities under any applicable law or regulation. It has been prepared without taking into account the specific personal circumstances, investment objectives, financial situation, investment knowledge or particular needs of any particular person and may be subject to change at any time without notice. Offering may be made only on the basis of the information disclosed in the relevant offering documents. Please consult independent financial or other professional advisers if you are unsure about any information contained herein.
Due to its simplification, this publication is partial and opinions, estimates and forecasts herein are subjective and subject to change without notice. There is no guarantee such opinions, estimates and forecasts made will come to pass. Actual results of operations and achievements may differ materially. Data, figures, declarations, analysis, predictions and other information in this publication is provided based on our state of knowledge at the time of creation of this publication. Information herein may be obtained from sources believed to be reliable. AXA IM HK has reasonable belief that such information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. To the maximum extent permitted by law, AXA IM HK, its affiliates, directors, officers or employees take no responsibility for the data provided by third party, including the accuracy of such data. This material does not contain sufficient information to support an investment decision. References to companies (if any) are for illustrative purposes only and should not be viewed as investment recommendations or solicitations.
All investment involves risk, including the loss of capital. The value of investments and the income from them can fluctuate and that past performance is no guarantee of future returns, investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Investors should not make any investment decision based on this material alone.
Some of the services listed on this Website may not be available for offer to retail investors.
This Website has not been reviewed by the SFC. © 2025 AXA Investment Managers. All rights reserved.